Definition of manipulative


thao túng


The word "manipulative" has its roots in the Latin words "manus," meaning hand, and "ipra," meaning to seize or take. In the 15th century, the term "manipulative" referred to the act of handling or controlling something with the hands, particularly in a skilled or artistic way. Over time, the word took on a more nuanced meaning, describing someone who skillfully and often cunningly influences or controls others, often to achieve their own ends. In the late 18th century, the term gained popularity in the context of psychology, referring to people who used manipulation to influence others' behavior or emotions. Today, "manipulative" is often used to describe individuals who engage in tactics such as emotional blackmail, gaslighting, or other forms of psychological manipulation to get what they want from others.


showing skill at influencing somebody or forcing somebody to do what you want, often in an unfair way

thể hiện kỹ năng tác động đến ai đó hoặc buộc ai đó làm những gì bạn muốn, thường là theo cách không công bằng

  • manipulative behaviour

    hành vi thao túng

  • He’s extremely manipulative, so don’t let him persuade you.

    Anh ta cực kỳ hay thao túng, vì vậy đừng để anh ta thuyết phục bạn.

connected with the ability to handle objects with skill

liên quan đến khả năng xử lý các vật thể một cách khéo léo

  • manipulative skills such as typing and knitting

    kỹ năng thao tác như đánh máy và đan lát