Definition of lurch




The origin of the word "lurch" can be traced back to the Middle English word "luken," meaning "to lean" or "to tilt." The word later evolved into the Old English "hlencan," which meant "to tilt or list" in its intransitive form, and "hlencan" in its transitive form, meaning "to cause to tilt." The use of "lurch" with its current meaning, describing the lurching motion of one's body, first appeared in the mid-16th century. It was most likely derived from the earlier Middle English meaning "to ride uneasily or violently" or "to tilt or list." The use of "lurch" to describe a sudden, sometimes unintended movement, particularly in reference to a person or object, became more common in the late 19th century. It is often associated with the motion of a sailing ship or the actions of a drunken person, indicating a loss of balance or coordination. While "lurch" has remained relatively consistent in meaning over time, its exact pronunciation has undergone minor changes in various English dialects. In England, the word is typically pronounced with a short "u" sound in "lurch," while in the United States, it is often pronounced with a long "u" sound, as in "lur-ch." However, both pronunciations are considered correct and are widely recognized in modern usage.


to make a sudden, unsteady movement forward or to one side

thực hiện một chuyển động đột ngột, không ổn định về phía trước hoặc sang một bên

  • Suddenly the horse lurched to one side and the child fell off.

    Đột nhiên con ngựa lảo đảo sang một bên và đứa trẻ ngã xuống.

  • The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.

    Người đàn ông say khướt lảo đảo bước ra khỏi quán rượu.

  • Their relationship seems to lurch from one crisis to the next.

    Mối quan hệ của họ dường như chao đảo từ cuộc khủng hoảng này đến cuộc khủng hoảng tiếp theo.

Extra examples:
  • A man lurched into her office.

    Một người đàn ông lảo đảo bước vào văn phòng của cô.

  • He lurched towards the door.

    Anh lảo đảo đi về phía cửa.

  • The drunk lurched to his feet and tried to follow us.

    Người say lảo đảo đứng dậy và cố gắng đi theo chúng tôi.

  • Suddenly the train lurched violently.

    Đột nhiên đoàn tàu chao đảo dữ dội.

  • The bus lurched along the mountain road.

    Chiếc xe buýt lảo đảo dọc theo con đường núi.

  • The car lurched forward.

    Chiếc xe lao vút về phía trước.

Related words and phrases

if your heart or stomach lurches, you have a sudden feeling of fear or excitement

nếu tim hoặc dạ dày của bạn quặn thắt, bạn đột nhiên có cảm giác sợ hãi hoặc phấn khích

Related words and phrases