Definition of loon


chim lặn


The word "loon" has a fascinating etymology. It originated in the early 16th century from the Dutch word "loon," meaning "crazy" or "mad." This refers to the peculiar, unsettling cries of the Common Loon (Gavia immer), a large waterbird with a distinctive call. Early Dutch colonizers in North America used the term "loon" to describe the bird's haunting wail, which sounds like a mournful human scream. Over time, the term "loon" became First adapted to English, and it referred specifically to the bird, not its mental state. By the 17th century, the word had taken on a secondary meaning, describing someone who is eccentric, odd, or even a bit crazy. This usage still exists today, with people often colloquially referring to someone who is quirky or unconventional as a "loon."


a large North American bird that eats fish and makes a noise like a laugh

một loài chim lớn ở Bắc Mỹ ăn cá và phát ra tiếng kêu như tiếng cười

an offensive word for a person who has strange ideas or who behaves in a strange way

một từ ngữ xúc phạm dành cho người có ý tưởng kỳ lạ hoặc hành xử theo cách kỳ lạ