Definition of localized


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The word "localized" originated in the late 19th century, when scientific and industrial progress led to a growing need to discuss geographic and temporal limitations. It comes from the Latin word "localis," meaning "pertaining to a place," which was adopted by French and then English in the fields of medicine, engineering, and geography. In its earliest usage, "localized" referred specifically to a disease, injury, or other condition limited to a certain area of the body. This sense of the word prevailed throughout most of the 20th century, and "localized" continues to be commonly used in medical contexts to indicate a restricted type of cancer or infection. Outside of medicine, "localized" has been expanded to cover any phenomenon or effect that is confined to a particular location, whether it be geographical (such as a natural resource, cultural tradition, or environmental hazard) or temporal (such as a historical event or cultural practice). In engineering or technology, "localized" is commonly used to indicate a specific malfunction or issue in a particular part of a complex system. Overall, the word "localized" has come to express the understanding that many things are not uniformly distributed or applied but are instead limited in scope or intensity by factors such as geography, time, or function.


a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment

một tác phẩm kịch trong đó tất cả hoặc hầu hết các từ được hát theo nhạc; tác phẩm thuộc loại này như một hình thức nghệ thuật hoặc giải trí

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  • an opera singer

    một ca sĩ opera

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Related words and phrases

a company that performs opera; a building in which operas are performed

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