Definition of interlude


xen kẽ


The word "interlude" originated during the medieval era in England. At that time, popular dramas called mysteries, morality plays, and entertainments often disrupted religious dramas or pageants performed during church festivities. These disturbances resulted in short, lighthearted plays known as interludes, which were inserted between the religious performances to divert the audience's attention. The word "interlude" is a combination of two Middle English words: "inter," meaning "between," and "lude," meaning "play" or "game." These plays often had comic or farcical themes and were typically performed by traveling tradesmen or craftsmen during festivals and fairs. They were a welcome change of pace from the serious religious plays and were popular with the general public. As theater and entertainment evolved over time, interludes gradually fell out of favor, and by the early 1600s, they had largely disappeared from the theatrical scene. However, the word "interlude" continued to be used to describe anything that occurs between two main events or actions, such as intermission in a performance or a pause in a conversation. Its origin as a play within another play, however, is still widely known and celebrated in literature and theatrical history.


a period of time between two events during which something different happens

một khoảng thời gian giữa hai sự kiện trong đó một cái gì đó khác nhau xảy ra

  • a romantic interlude (= a short romantic relationship)

    một đoạn dạo đầu lãng mạn (= một mối quan hệ lãng mạn ngắn)

  • Apart from a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years.

    Ngoài một khoảng thời gian hòa bình ngắn ngủi, cuộc chiến còn kéo dài chín năm.

Extra examples:
  • a peaceful interlude between periods of intense activity

    một khoảng thời gian yên bình giữa những giai đoạn hoạt động căng thẳng

  • interludes of calm

    sự bình yên xen kẽ

  • She knew that their romantic interlude would soon be drawing to a close.

    Cô biết rằng cuộc tình lãng mạn của họ sẽ sớm kết thúc.

a short period of time between the parts of a play, film, etc.

một khoảng thời gian ngắn giữa các phần của vở kịch, bộ phim, v.v.

  • There will now be a short interlude.

    Bây giờ sẽ có một đoạn ngắt quãng ngắn.

a short piece of music or a talk, etc. played or given between the parts of a play or film or between other pieces of music

một đoạn nhạc ngắn hoặc một bài nói chuyện, v.v. được chơi hoặc đưa ra giữa các phần của vở kịch hoặc bộ phim hoặc giữa các đoạn nhạc khác

  • a musical interlude between two the acts of the play

    một đoạn nhạc xen kẽ giữa hai màn của vở kịch

  • The album includes short instrumental interludes between the songs.

    Album bao gồm những đoạn nhạc cụ ngắn xen kẽ giữa các bài hát.