Definition of intermission


gián đoạn


The word "intermission" has its roots in Latin. In Latin, the word "inter" means "between" and "missio" means "sending away" or "dismission". The term "intermission" literally means "the act of sending away between", or more specifically, "a pause or break between two parts". In the early 15th century, the word "intermission" was borrowed from Latin and used to describe a pause or interruption in a performance, such as a play, concert, or opera. Over time, the term evolved to specifically refer to a break between acts of a performance, where the audience can stretch their legs, grab a snack, or socialize with fellow audience members. Today, the word "intermission" is commonly used in the context of theater, film, and live performances to signal to the audience that it's time to take a break before the next act or show begins.


a short period of time between the parts of a play, film, etc.

một khoảng thời gian ngắn giữa các phần của vở kịch, bộ phim, v.v.

  • Coffee was served during the intermission.

    Cà phê được phục vụ trong thời gian tạm nghỉ.

  • After intermission, the second band played.

    Sau khi tạm nghỉ, ban nhạc thứ hai chơi.

a period of time during which something stops before continuing again

một khoảng thời gian trong đó một cái gì đó dừng lại trước khi tiếp tục lại

  • This state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years.

    Tình trạng này kéo dài không ngừng trong suốt một trăm năm.

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