Definition of inoperable


không thể hoạt động


The word "inoperable" has its roots in the Latin words "in" meaning "not" or "un "-", and "operare" meaning "to work" or "to function". Together, "inoperable" literally means "not capable of working" or "not functioning". In medical contexts, an inoperable condition or tumor refers to one that cannot be removed or treated surgically, often due to its size, location, or spread. This terminology emerged in the late 19th century, when surgical procedures became more sophisticated, and doctors needed a way to describe conditions that were beyond their ability to treat. Today, "inoperable" is used in various fields, including medicine, engineering, and even business, to describe something that is unable to function or operate effectively.


not able to be cured by a medical operation

không thể chữa khỏi bằng phẫu thuật y khoa

  • an inoperable brain tumour

    khối u não không thể phẫu thuật

that cannot be used or made to work; not practical

không thể sử dụng hoặc làm cho nó hoạt động được; không thực tế

  • The policy was thought to be inoperable.

    Chính sách này được cho là không thể thực hiện được.

  • The fire rendered the port inoperable.

    Ngọn lửa khiến cảng không thể hoạt động.