Definition of induction


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The word "induction" originally comes from the Latin word "induco" which translates to "to lead in" or "to bring in". In the scientific context, the term "induction" was first used by the English scientist Michael Faraday in the 19th century to describe the process by which a magnetic field is created around a conductor carrying an electric current. In this scenario, the magnetic field is led in or induced by the presence of the electric current, hence the term "induction". The concept of electromagnetic induction, as it became known, laid the foundations for the development of many important electrical technologies such as transformers, generators, and electric motors. Over time, the use of the word "induction" has expanded to describe other phenomena as well. For example, in chemistry, induction refers to the subtle lowering of electron density in a molecule at a position far removed from a site of electronegativity or charge due to the presence of a highly electronegative atom or a positive charge. In statistics, induction refers to the process of making logical inferences about a population from a sample, based on patterns observed. In these contexts, the term "induction" reflects the idea that an effect is being led in or caused by a broader context or previous experience.


the process of introducing somebody to a new job, skill, organization, etc.; a ceremony at which this takes place

quá trình giới thiệu cho ai đó một công việc, kỹ năng, tổ chức mới, v.v.; một buổi lễ diễn ra

  • induction into the local business community

    hòa nhập vào cộng đồng doanh nghiệp địa phương

  • The induction of new students will take place in the main hall.

    Lễ giới thiệu học sinh mới sẽ diễn ra tại hội trường chính.

the act of making a pregnant woman start to give birth, using artificial means such as a special drug

hành động làm cho một phụ nữ mang thai bắt đầu sinh con bằng cách sử dụng các biện pháp nhân tạo như một loại thuốc đặc biệt

  • the induction of labour

    sự khởi phát chuyển dạ

a method of discovering general rules and principles from particular facts and examples

một phương pháp khám phá các quy tắc và nguyên tắc chung từ các sự kiện và ví dụ cụ thể

Related words and phrases

the process by which electricity or magnetism passes from one object to another without them touching

quá trình mà điện hoặc từ trường truyền từ vật này sang vật khác mà không chạm vào nhau