Definition of impregnable


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The word "impregnable" comes from the Latin word impregnābilis, which literally means "not able to be impregnated." In medieval times, when many fortified structures were built, the term was applied not just to women, but also to castles and other fortifications. It signified that these structures were so well-fortified that enemy armies would be unable to capture them, just as a pregnant female cannot easily repel a baby trying to enter her body. The origin of the word in this context highlights the symbolic connection between fortifications and the human body. Just as armies sought to breach the imposing walls of fortifications, babies attempted to penetrate the barrier of a mother's womb. Both scenarios involved applying force to overcome the barrier's defenses. Therefore, calling a fortification "impregnable" was a way of expressing its strength and impenetrability.


an impregnable building is so strongly built that it cannot be entered by force

một tòa nhà bất khả xâm phạm được xây dựng kiên cố đến mức không thể dùng vũ lực để xâm nhập

  • an impregnable fortress

    một pháo đài bất khả xâm phạm

strong and impossible to defeat or change

mạnh mẽ và không thể đánh bại hoặc thay đổi

  • The team built up an impregnable 5–1 lead.

    Đội đã dẫn trước 5–1 bất khả xâm phạm.

  • the seemingly impregnable Nazi regime

    chế độ Đức Quốc xã dường như bất khả xâm phạm

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