Definition of impoverish


nghèo nàn


The word "impoverish" derives from the Old French phrase "empouvoir," which means "to deprive of power." This phrase evolved into the Middle English word "empoorinen," which meant "to make poor" or "to destitute." The modern English word "impoverish" is derived from the Middle English word, with the prefix "im-" added to indicate a more intense or extensive form of depriving someone of wealth or resources. The prefix "im-" is also associated with words that imply difficulty or negativity, such as "impossible" and "imagine." Its Latin origin is "pauper," which means "poor," further illustrating the roots of the word "impoverish."


to make somebody poor

làm cho ai đó nghèo đi

  • These changes are likely to impoverish single-parent families even further.

    Những thay đổi này có thể sẽ làm nghèo các gia đình đơn thân hơn nữa.

to make something worse in quality

làm cho cái gì đó tệ hơn về chất lượng

  • Intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil.

    Việc thâm canh đã làm nghèo đất.