Definition of implicitly




The word "implicitly" originates from the Latin word "implicitus," meaning "folded in" or "entangled." It entered English in the 15th century, carrying the sense of something being hidden or understood without being explicitly stated. Over time, the meaning shifted to emphasize the idea of something being implied or suggested without being directly expressed. The connection to folding arises from the notion that an implied meaning is concealed within the words spoken, just like a folded piece of paper hides its contents.


in a way that is suggested without being directly expressed

theo cách được gợi ý mà không được thể hiện trực tiếp

  • It reinforces, implicitly or explicitly, the idea that money is all-important.

    Nó củng cố, dù ngầm hay rõ ràng, ý tưởng cho rằng tiền là quan trọng nhất.

completely and without any doubt

hoàn toàn và không có nghi ngờ gì

  • I trust John implicitly.

    Tôi ngầm tin tưởng John.

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