Definition of hoof


móng guốc


The word "hoof" is derived from the Old English word hof, which also gave rise to the Old Frisian hof and the Old Norse haufr. In the context of horses, this term referred to the hardened part of the lower leg that allows the animal to bear weight and provide traction while moving. The ancient Germans originally used this term to describe a specific area of the horse's foreleg, while the Old Norse extended it to include the hind legs as well. This suggests that the meaning of "hoof" was not fixed until later in the evolution of the English language. Many modern dialects of the German language still use cognates of the Old German hof, such as the modern German Pfott or Fuß, to refer to the horse's hoof. In contrast, many modern dialects of the Scandinavian languages use cognates of the Old Norse haufr, such as the modern Norwegian hov or fråhøf, to describe both the horse's forelegs and hind legs. Interestingly, the term "hoof" also evolved to include animal feet more generally, particularly those of cattle, sheep, and goats. This usage likely emerged in part due to the similar appearance and function of the hard, keratinous structures found on the feet of these animals. The use of "hoof" to describe the affix at the end of a noun also derives from this Old English word, in reference to the similar shape and function of the horse's hoof and the written symbol used to mark the pronunciation of certain words. In sum, the origins of the word "hoof" are complex and multifaceted, reflecting the long and varied history of the English language. From its humble beginnings as a specific term for the lower leg of a horse, "hoof" has evolved to encompass a wide range of meanings, illustrating the rich complexity of the English lexicon.


meat that is sold, transported, etc. on the hoof is sold, etc. while the cow, sheep, etc. is still alive

thịt được bán, vận chuyển, v.v. trên móng guốc được bán, v.v. trong khi bò, cừu, v.v. vẫn còn sống

if you do something on the hoof, you do it quickly and without giving it your full attention because you are doing something else at the same time

nếu bạn làm điều gì đó bằng móng guốc, bạn sẽ làm nó một cách nhanh chóng và không dành toàn bộ sự chú ý vì bạn đang làm việc khác cùng lúc

  • I often have lunch on the hoof between two appointments.

    Tôi thường ăn trưa giữa hai cuộc hẹn.

  • the consequences of making government policy on the hoof

    hậu quả của việc hoạch định chính sách của chính phủ trên móng guốc


on the hoof
meat that is sold, transported, etc. on the hoof is sold, etc. while the cow, sheep, etc. is still alive
(British English, informal)if you do something on the hoof, you do it quickly and without giving it your full attention because you are doing something else at the same time
  • I often have lunch on the hoof between two appointments.
  • the consequences of making government policy on the hoof