Definition of high school

high schoolnoun

trung học phổ thông

/ˈhʌɪ ˌskuːl/

Definition of undefined

The term "high school" originated in the 19th century in the United States. It evolved from the Latin term "schola" meaning "school," and the word "high" referred to the fact that these schools offered education beyond the elementary level, preparing students for college or higher learning. Initially, high schools were primarily for elite students, but over time they became more accessible and evolved into the comprehensive secondary education institutions we know today.


a secondary school.

một trường trung học cơ sở.

Related words and phrases

  • theological college
  • rabbinical college
  • Talmudical college
  • academy
  • training college
  • training institute
  • school
  • high school
  • conservatory

(in the UK except Scotland) used chiefly in names of grammar schools or independent fee-paying secondary schools, or for the lower years of a secondary school

(ở Vương quốc Anh ngoại trừ Scotland) được sử dụng chủ yếu trong tên của các trường ngữ pháp hoặc các trường trung học độc lập trả học phí hoặc cho những năm cuối của trường trung học

  • Wycombe High School

    Trường trung học Wycombe