Definition of heck

heckexclamation, noun



The origin of the word "heck" dates back to the early 19th century, specifically to the 1850s. The exact origin of the word is unclear, and it has been the subject of much speculation and debate among linguists. Some believe that "heck" is a contraction of the word "hartigan," an old Yorkshire dialect word that meant "household gods" or "domestic spirits." Hartigan was the name of a character in a popular novel at the time, which may have contributed to the coinage of the slang word "heck." However, there are several other theories about the origin of "heck." One suggests that it is a dialect form of "what the deuce" or "what the devil," shortened to "h'ck" and then simplified further to "heck." Another theory proposes that "heck" derives from "hick" or "hickery," slang terms for "nonsense" or "humbug" that were popular in the late 18th century. The word may have been mispronounced over time, leading to the creation of "heck." Yet another theory posits that "heck" is a euphemism for a more profane word, such as "hell" or "damn." This explanation is supported by the fact that "heck" is often used in place of these stronger words to convey a sentiment of disapproval or annoyance. Regardless of its origin, "heck" has become a widely used slang term in English, particularly in American English, where it has a similar meaning to "damn" or "blast." Its precise origin may remain a mystery, but its popularity as a casual expletive shows no signs of waning.

  • Heck, I'd freeze my butt off in a winter wonderland like this any day!

    Chết tiệt, tôi có thể chết cóng ở xứ sở thần tiên mùa đông như thế này bất cứ ngày nào!

  • Heck, I've been waiting for this sale all week. I'm not leaving without something in my cart!

    Chết tiệt, tôi đã chờ đợt giảm giá này cả tuần rồi. Tôi sẽ không rời đi nếu không có thứ gì đó trong giỏ hàng!

  • Heck, even my cat knows I need a break. She's been napping on my lap for hours!

    Chết tiệt, ngay cả con mèo của tôi cũng biết tôi cần nghỉ ngơi. Nó đã ngủ trên đùi tôi hàng giờ rồi!

  • Heck, I'm worse at choosing wine than I am at playing poker!

    Thật vậy, tôi còn tệ trong việc chọn rượu hơn là chơi bài poker!

  • Heck, I've put off doing my taxes for long enough. Better get started!

    Chết tiệt, tôi đã trì hoãn việc nộp thuế đủ lâu rồi. Tốt hơn là nên bắt đầu thôi!

  • Heck, I could eat an entire pizza by myself tonight. But probably shouldn't...

    Chết tiệt, tôi có thể ăn hết một chiếc pizza một mình tối nay. Nhưng có lẽ không nên...

  • Heck, I've been scrolled through this website for hours. Where's the darn 'add to cart' button??

    Chết tiệt, tôi đã lướt qua trang web này hàng giờ rồi. Nút 'thêm vào giỏ hàng' chết tiệt ở đâu vậy??

  • Heck, I'd rather spend my weekend binge-watching TV than going out in this weather!

    Thật vậy, tôi thà dành cả cuối tuần để xem TV còn hơn là ra ngoài trong thời tiết này!

  • Heck, writing an essay is not my favorite pastime. But I have to do it anyway...

    Chết tiệt, viết bài luận không phải là sở thích của tôi. Nhưng dù sao thì tôi cũng phải làm thôi...

  • Heck, I'm so excited for this concert tonight! I've been listening to the band's music non-stop for days!

    Trời ơi, tôi háo hức cho buổi hòa nhạc tối nay quá! Tôi đã nghe nhạc của ban nhạc này không ngừng nghỉ trong nhiều ngày!


for the heck of it
(informal)just for pleasure rather than for a reason
what the heck!
(informal)used to say that you are going to do something that you know you should not do
  • It means I'll be late for work but what the heck!