Definition of hatch




The word "hatch" originated from the Middle English "hatchen," meaning to break out of an eggshell or to emerge from a confined space. The term initially referred to the action of chicks pecking their way out of their shells, but it was later applied to any object that is opened, uncovered, or released after being confined or enclosed. In its this expanded sense, the term "hatch" is commonly used in various industries such as aviation, agriculture, and construction, where it refers to the process of opening doors, hatches, or covers to gain access to enclosed spaces or to release products or materials. The Old English term for this process was "ecgan," meaning to break or split, but it became less commonly used over time. The Old Norse term "hytjask," meaning to break out, may have influenced the Middle English word "hatchen" by the time it appeared in English texts. The evolution of the word "hatch" can be traced through its use in various historical texts, such as medieval accounts of chicken farming, where it referred to the process of chicks breaking out of their shells, and later in shipbuilding and aviation contexts, where it meant opening hatches to provide access or expel water. Today, the word "hatch" has varied and specific meanings in different industries. In aviation, it refers to the process of opening a door or window in the aircraft during flight, while in agriculture, it relates to the hatchery's process of controlling and monitoring the incubation and hatching of eggs. In construction, the term "hatch" describes a framed opening in walls or floors that allows for the placement of materials during building processes. In its varied uses, the word "hatch" continues to develop and evolve over time, reflecting the changing needs and advances of the industries it serves.


to come out of an egg

ra khỏi một quả trứng

  • Ten chicks hatched (out) this morning.

    Mười chú gà con đã nở (ra) sáng nay.

  • the newly hatched chicks

    những chú gà con mới nở

to break open so that a young bird, fish, insect, etc. can come out

để mở ra để một con chim non, cá, côn trùng, vv có thể đi ra

  • The eggs are about to hatch.

    Trứng sắp nở.

  • How long do the eggs take to hatch?

    Trứng mất bao lâu để nở?

  • The butterfly's eggs soon hatch into larvae.

    Trứng của bướm sớm nở thành ấu trùng.

to make a young bird, fish, insect, etc. come out of an egg

làm cho một con chim non, cá, côn trùng, v.v... chui ra từ một quả trứng

  • The female must find a warm place to hatch her eggs.

    Con cái phải tìm nơi ấm áp để ấp trứng.

to create a plan or an idea, especially in secret

để tạo ra một kế hoạch hoặc một ý tưởng, đặc biệt là trong bí mật

  • Have you been hatching up a deal with her?

    Bạn đã đạt được thỏa thuận với cô ấy chưa?

  • Rebel MPs are hatching a secret plot to oust the prime minister.

    Các nghị sĩ nổi dậy đang ấp ủ một âm mưu bí mật nhằm lật đổ thủ tướng.


don’t count your chickens (before they are hatched)
(saying)you should not be too confident that something will be successful, because something may still go wrong