Definition of grin


nụ cười


The origin of the word "grin" can be traced back to the Old English language, where it was spelled as "grinan" and pronounced as "grȳnan." This Old English root also gave us the Modern English word "grip," as in a tight hold or grasp. The Old English word "grinan" had several meanings, including "to fasten, bind, or close," and "to cover over or hide." The sense of "grinning" as a facial expression came to be associated with the word around the 16th century, as English began to adopt new words and meanings from other languages. One theory suggests that the origins of "grin" as a facial gesture can be found in the Old Norse term "grinna," which had a meaning similar to the Old English "grinan." According to this theory, when the Anglo-Saxons were invaded by the Vikings in the 9th century, they picked up some Old Norse words, including "grinna," which was incorporated into the Old English lexicon. Another theory suggests that "grin" derives from the Proto-Germanic word "grinjan," which meant "to press together." This theory posits that the facial expression we know as grinning may have evolved as a way for people to tightly close their mouths, perhaps as a defensive measure against potential harm. Whatever its origins may be, the word "grin" has taken on a variety of meanings over time, from a simple facial expression to a more complex social and cultural phenomenon. Some people believe that grinning is an inherently positive and contagious action, while others suggest that it can be used to disguise more malicious intentions. Whatever the case may be, the word "grin" continues to be an important part of the English language, reflecting both the joys and the complexities of human expression.

  • After hearing a joke, Steve couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

    Sau khi nghe một câu chuyện cười, Steve không khỏi cười toe toét.

  • The kids' excitement was evident from the wide grins on their faces.

    Sự phấn khích của bọn trẻ thể hiện rõ qua nụ cười rạng rỡ trên khuôn mặt chúng.

  • The musician's infectious grin lit up the entire stage.

    Nụ cười rạng rỡ của nhạc sĩ đã thắp sáng toàn bộ sân khấu.

  • The actor's grin faded as he received the bad news.

    Nụ cười của nam diễn viên tắt dần khi anh nhận được tin xấu.

  • The president grinned broadly as she presented the medal of honor.

    Tổng thống cười toe toét khi trao tặng huy chương danh dự.

  • The comedian's grin grew even wider as the audience laughed uproariously.

    Nụ cười của diễn viên hài càng tươi hơn khi khán giả cười rộ lên.

  • The child's grin revealed a missing tooth, a result of her recent dental adventure.

    Nụ cười của đứa trẻ để lộ chiếc răng bị mất, hậu quả của chuyến khám răng gần đây.

  • The basketball player's grin showed off his perfectly aligned teeth after making a basket.

    Nụ cười của cầu thủ bóng rổ khoe hàm răng đều đặn sau khi ghi được bàn thắng.

  • The couple's grin grew as they realized they had succeeded in finding their lost item.

    Nụ cười của cặp đôi nở rộng hơn khi họ nhận ra rằng họ đã thành công trong việc tìm lại món đồ bị mất.

  • Despite the difficult terrain, the hikers' grins never left their faces.

    Bất chấp địa hình khó khăn, nụ cười vẫn luôn hiện trên khuôn mặt của những người đi bộ đường dài.


grin and bear it
to accept pain or bad luck without complaining
  • There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to grin and bear it.
  • smile/grin/beam from ear to ear
    to be smiling, etc. a lot because you are very pleased about something
  • He was beaming from ear to ear.