Definition of gram


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Definition of undefined

The word "gram" has its roots in ancient Greece and Rome. The Latin word "gramma," meaning "small particle" or "letter," is derived from the Greek word "gramma" (γραφήμα), which referred to a letter or written symbol. In the 15th century, the term "gram" emerged in English as a unit of weight, equivalent to one-thousandth of an ounce or 0.03215 grams. This was due to the work of German physicist and mathematician Peter Apian, who defined the "gramme" as a specific weight based on the weight of a small piece of metal. Over time, the term "gram" became widely adopted as a standard unit of measurement in science, medicine, and everyday use.


a unit for measuring weight. There are 1 000 grams in one kilogram.

một đơn vị đo trọng lượng. Có 1 000 gam trong một kilôgam.

a thing that is written or drawn

một điều được viết hoặc vẽ

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