Definition of gin




The origin of the word "gin" can be traced back to the Middle Dutch term jenever, which means juniper. This term has been in use since the 15th century and referred to a distilled liquor made from malt wine and flavored with juniper berries. However, the English-speaking world has a different story to tell. During the 17th century, England was at war with the Netherlands, and British soldiers serving in the Dutch army developed a fondness for jenever. They began referring to it as "Dutch courage" and called it "genever." When these soldiers returned to England, they brought the drink back with them, but they could not pronounce the word "jenever" correctly. Instead, they mispronounced it as "gin," and that's how the term stuck in the English language. Initially, the British version of gin was different from the Dutch original in that it was flavored with other botanicals such as coriander, angelica root, and citrus peels. This version became known as "London gin" and was popularized through the growth of the gin industry during the 18th century. So, the origin of the term "gin" is complex and can be traced back to both Dutch and English history. The use of juniper berries, however, continues to be a key component of modern-day gin.


an alcoholic drink made from grain and with juniper berries added. Gin is usually drunk mixed with tonic or fruit juice.

một loại đồ uống có cồn làm từ ngũ cốc và có thêm quả bách xù. Rượu Gin thường được uống pha với thuốc bổ hoặc nước ép trái cây.

Related words and phrases

a glass of gin

một ly rượu gin

  • I'll have a gin and tonic, please.

    Làm ơn cho tôi một ly gin và tonic.

  • She poured herself a large gin.

    Cô rót cho mình một ly rượu gin lớn.

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máy tách hạt của cây bông ra khỏi bông

a device for catching small wild animals or birds

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