Definition of fuck


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The exact origin of the word "fuck" remains a subject of debate among linguists and etymologists, with various theories proposing different explanations. One popular theory suggests that the word is derived from the Middle Dutch term "fokken," which means "to copulate" or "to have sex." This explanation considers the word's earlier spelling, "fuccke," along with its usage as a term for sexual intercourse, in support of its Dutch roots. Another theory takes the word back to the Old English phrase "fucke," meaning "to strike" or "to hit." According to this theory, the word's evolution from a term for violence to one for sexual activity was a gradual process, with the meaning of "fuck" broadening over time to encompass both senses. A third theory proposes that "fuck" is derived from the Old High German term "fonjan," which means "to strike" or "thrust." This theory suggests that the evolution of the word from a term for violence to one for sexual activity follows a similar trajectory to the previous explanation. While the exact origin of "fuck" is uncertain, what is clear is that the word's usage as a profanity is relatively modern, as it did not appear in written texts until the 16th century. Its use as a term for sexual intercourse, however, can be traced back to the Middle English period, in the late 14th century. Regardless of its origins, it is clear that "fuck" is a highly emotive and taboo word that continues to provoke strong reactions, both positive and negative, around the world.


to have sex with somebody

quan hệ tình dục với ai đó

a swear word that many people find offensive that is used to express anger, horror or surprise

một từ chửi thề mà nhiều người thấy xúc phạm được sử dụng để thể hiện sự tức giận, kinh dị hoặc ngạc nhiên

  • Oh, fuck! I've lost my keys.

    Ôi, chết tiệt! Tôi bị mất chìa khóa.

  • Fuck you—I'm leaving.

    Mẹ kiếp—tôi đi đây.

  • Fuck it! We've missed the train.

    Chết tiệt! Chúng tôi đã lỡ chuyến tàu.


fuck me
used to express surprise
  • Fuck me! Have you seen how much this costs?