Definition of flour


bột, bột mỳ


Definition of undefined

The word "flour" has a rich history. It comes from the Old French word "flower," which is derived from the Latin "farina," meaning "fine powder." The Latin term is also the source of the Spanish word "harina" and the Italian "farina." The Latin "farina" is based on the verb "farire," meaning "to prepare" or "to cook," which referred to the process of milling grains into a fine powder. In Middle English (circa 11th-15th centuries), the word "flour" referred to anything that was finely milled or powdered, such as "flower of salt" or "flower of barley." Over time, the term became closely associated with wheat flour, which is still the primary meaning of the word today.


a fine white or brown powder made from grain, especially wheat, and used in cooking for making bread, cakes, etc.

một loại bột mịn màu trắng hoặc nâu làm từ ngũ cốc, đặc biệt là lúa mì, và được sử dụng trong nấu ăn để làm bánh mì, bánh ngọt, v.v.

  • Sift the flour and salt into a bowl.

    Rây bột mì và muối vào tô.

  • wheat/rice flour

    bột mì/bột gạo

  • Wholemeal flour is more nutritious than white flour.

    Bột mì nguyên chất giàu dinh dưỡng hơn bột mì trắng.

Extra examples:
  • Blend the flour with a little milk to make a smooth paste.

    Trộn bột mì với một ít sữa để tạo thành hỗn hợp sền sệt.

  • Rub the butter into the flour.

    Chà bơ vào bột.

fine soft powder made from the seeds or roots of vegetables

bột mềm mịn làm từ hạt hoặc rễ của rau

  • manioc flour

    bột sắn

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