Definition of fetishism


sự sùng bái


The term "fetishism" originated in the 17th century from the Portuguese word "feitiço," meaning "enchanted object" or "charm." Initially, it referred to the attribution of magical powers to inanimate objects, such as dolls or rituals. During the 19th century, the concept was adopted by anthropologists and sociologists, particularly by French anthropologist Charles de Brosses, who used it to describe a Western assumption of the African practice of object idolatry. In the 20th century, the term was further expanded by psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who introduced the concept of "sexual fetishism" to describe the fixation on a particular body part or object that becomes a substitute for the human body. This concept was later developed by American psychologist Robert Stoller, who proposed the idea of "erotogenic zones," where certain body parts or objects become the focus of sexual arousal. Today, the term "fetishism" encompasses a broader range of meanings, including cultural, social, and psychological contexts, but its roots remain tied to the original concept of attributing significant value or power to inanimate objects.


the fact of spending too much time doing or thinking about a particular thing or thinking that it is much more important than it really is

thực tế là dành quá nhiều thời gian để làm hoặc suy nghĩ về một điều cụ thể hoặc nghĩ rằng nó quan trọng hơn nhiều so với thực tế

  • commodity fetishism and the consumer economy

    sự sùng bái hàng hóa và nền kinh tế tiêu dùng

Related words and phrases

sexual practices that involve getting pleasure from a particular object

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  • rubber fetishism

    sở thích cao su

the worship of an object because it is believed to have magic powers

sự tôn thờ một vật thể vì người ta tin rằng nó có sức mạnh ma thuật

  • the importance of animal fetishism in the history of Egypt

    tầm quan trọng của việc sùng bái động vật trong lịch sử Ai Cập