Definition of extremity


cực đoan


The word "extremity" originated in the Middle English language during the 14th century. It was derived from the Old French word "extramitée," which in turn was derived from the Latin word "extremitas." "Extremitas" was a compound of "ex," meaning "out" or "from," and "remus," which referred to a limb or appendage. When translated into Latin, "extremitas" roughly meant "outermost part" or "faremost point," implying something that was furthest away from the center or middle point. During the Middle Ages, the term "extremity" initially referred to the farthest reaches of the heavens, the limits of the earth, or the outermost parts of a building, such as the corners or angles. However, by the 14th century, the term had come to be associated with the human body as well, due to its use to describe the limbs and appendages, such as the hands, feet, arms, and legs, which appeared to be the "outermost parts" of the body. Today, the term "extremity" is still commonly used to describe the outermost parts of human bodies, as well as in medical contexts to refer to limbs or appendages that have become detached, injured, or infected. The word continues to carry the connotation of being "far-off" or "remote," due to its etymological roots in Latin and Old French.


the furthest point, end or limit of something

điểm xa nhất, kết thúc hoặc giới hạn của một cái gì đó

  • The lake is situated at the eastern extremity of the mountain range.

    Hồ nằm ở cực đông của dãy núi.

  • We travelled the whole distance between the two extremities of the island.

    Chúng tôi đã đi hết quãng đường giữa hai đầu hòn đảo.

the degree to which a situation, a feeling, an action, etc. is extreme, difficult or unusual

mức độ mà một tình huống, một cảm giác, một hành động, v.v. là cực đoan, khó khăn hoặc bất thường

  • the extremities/extremity of pain

    sự đau đớn tột độ

the parts of your body that are furthest from the centre, especially your hands and feet

các bộ phận của cơ thể bạn xa trung tâm nhất, đặc biệt là tay và chân

  • Cold extremities and a hot head are the first signs of the fever.

    Đầu chi lạnh và đầu nóng là dấu hiệu đầu tiên của cơn sốt.