Definition of equity


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The word "equity" comes from the Latin word "aequitas" (aequitas), which means "fairness" or "justice". In ancient Rome, the noun form of "aequitas" was used to describe the state of being fair or just. In modern English, the word "equity" is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or impartiality, especially in relation to two or more parties. Equity is often seen as being a way of promoting fairness, justice, or impartiality, especially in relation to legal rights, property rights, or resource distribution. In law and legal studies, the term "equity" is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or impartiality, especially in relation to two or more parties. This usage is common in many different contexts, from common law and legal theory to equity law and legal philosophy, where it is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or impartiality, which is intended to promote legal rights, property rights, or resource distribution. In economics and finance, the term "equity" is used to describe a state of ownership or entitlement, especially in relation to financial investments, assets, or liabilities. Equity is often seen as being a state of ownership or entitlement, in which financial investments, assets, or liabilities are in a state of harmonious interaction or coexistence. In computing and information technology, the term "equity" is sometimes used to describe a state of ownership or entitlement, especially in relation to computer resources, such as computer processors, computer memory, or network bandwidth. This usage is less common than the more traditional usage, but it is still used in some contexts, particularly in relation to computer architecture and network communication, where it is used to describe a state of ownership or entitlement, which is intended to promote computer resource allocation or utilization. In all of these contexts, the word "equity" is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or impartiality, especially in relation to two or more parties, or a state of ownership or entitlement, especially in relation to financial investments, assets, or liabilities. The noun form of "aequitas" is sometimes used to describe the state of being fair or just, in these contexts.


the value of a company’s shares

giá trị cổ phiếu của một công ty

  • He plans to raise the company’s return on equity to 15%.

    Ông có kế hoạch nâng tỷ suất lợi nhuận trên vốn chủ sở hữu của công ty lên 15%.

Related words and phrases

the value of a property after all charges and debts have been paid

giá trị của tài sản sau khi đã thanh toán tất cả các khoản phí và nợ

  • The couple have no savings except for the equity in their house.

    Cặp vợ chồng không có tiền tiết kiệm ngoại trừ số vốn sở hữu trong căn nhà của họ.

Related words and phrases

shares in a company that do not pay a fixed amount of interest

cổ phiếu của một công ty không trả lãi cố định

a situation in which everyone is treated equally

một tình huống trong đó mọi người đều được đối xử bình đẳng

  • a society where justice and equity prevail

    một xã hội nơi công lý và sự công bằng chiếm ưu thế

Related words and phrases

a system of natural justice allowing a fair judgement in a situation which is not covered by the existing laws

một hệ thống công lý tự nhiên cho phép phán xét công bằng trong một tình huống không được luật pháp hiện hành điều chỉnh

  • The rules of common law and equity are both, in essence, systems of private law.

    Về bản chất, các quy định của thông luật và công bằng đều là hệ thống của luật tư.