Definition of equitable


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The word "equitable" comes from the Latin words "aequus" (aequus), which means "equal", and "lis" (lis), which means "mind" or "soul". In ancient Rome, the verb form of "aequus" was used to describe the act of making something equal, and the noun form of "animus" (animus) was used to describe the soul or the mind. In modern English, the word "equitable" is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or equality, especially in relation to two or more things. Equitable distribution or allocation is often seen as being a way of promoting fairness, justice, or equality, especially in relation to social justice, income inequality, or resource distribution. In social justice and equality studies, the term "equitable" is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or equality, especially in relation to two or more things. This usage is common in many different contexts, from human rights and social justice to political philosophy and social theory, where it is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or equality, which is intended to promote social justice, reduce income inequality, or foster resource distribution. In computing and information technology, the verb form of "aequus" is sometimes used to describe the act of making two or more things equal, such as computer processors, computer memory, or network bandwidth. This usage is less common than the more traditional usage, but it is still used in some contexts, particularly in relation to computer architecture and network communication, where it is used to describe the act of making two or more things equal, which is intended to promote network efficiency, reduce network congestion, or facilitate computer processing or computer memory. In all of these contexts, the word "equitable" is used to describe a state of fairness, justice, or equality, especially in relation to two or more things, or a state of system stability, reliability, or predictability, especially in relation to network congestion, hardware failure, or software error. The verb form of "aequus" is sometimes used to describe the act of making two or more things equal, in these contexts.

  • The company's decision to offer equal pay for equal work is widely considered an equitable move.

    Quyết định trả lương như nhau cho cùng một công việc của công ty được coi là một động thái công bằng.

  • The school districts agreed to an equitable redistribution of resources to ensure fairness for all students.

    Các quận trường đã nhất trí phân bổ lại nguồn lực một cách công bằng để đảm bảo sự công bằng cho tất cả học sinh.

  • The committee recommended an equitable split of profits for the joint venture partners.

    Ủy ban đề xuất chia lợi nhuận công bằng cho các đối tác liên doanh.

  • In order to promote an equitable playing field, the league instituted a salary cap for all teams.

    Để thúc đẩy sân chơi công bằng, giải đấu đã thiết lập mức lương trần cho tất cả các đội.

  • The government proposed an equitable tax code that would not unfairly burden the middle class.

    Chính phủ đề xuất một bộ luật thuế công bằng, không gây gánh nặng bất công cho tầng lớp trung lưu.

  • The department underwent a thorough review to ensure that all employees were treated in an equitable manner.

    Bộ phận này đã tiến hành đánh giá kỹ lưỡng để đảm bảo tất cả nhân viên đều được đối xử công bằng.

  • The charity made a commitment to distribute resources equitably among all the communities it serves.

    Tổ chức từ thiện này cam kết phân phối nguồn lực một cách công bằng cho tất cả cộng đồng mà tổ chức phục vụ.

  • The association's goal is to strive for an equitable distribution of resources and opportunities for all members.

    Mục tiêu của hiệp hội là phấn đấu phân phối công bằng các nguồn lực và cơ hội cho tất cả thành viên.

  • The negotiations resulted in an equitable agreement that benefited both parties involved.

    Các cuộc đàm phán đã đưa ra một thỏa thuận công bằng có lợi cho cả hai bên liên quan.

  • The court chose an equitable solution that resolved the conflict between the parties involved.

    Tòa án đã lựa chọn giải pháp công bằng để giải quyết xung đột giữa các bên liên quan.