Definition of enslavement


sự nô lệ


The word "enslavement" has its roots in the 14th-century Old French word "esclave", which is derived from the Latin "sclavus". "Sclavus" referred to a slave or a captive, and was also used as a noun to describe a slave or a person who was born into slavery. The term "enslavement" emerged in the 15th century, and originally referred to the act of capturing or buying slaves. Over time, the term expanded to include the state of being enslaved, as well as the institution of slavery itself. Throughout history, the concept of enslavement has been imbued with complex social, political, and cultural connotations, and today it remains a contentious and controversial topic.


the act of making somebody a slave

hành động biến ai đó thành nô lệ

  • In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century.

    Ở Hoa Kỳ, tình trạng nô lệ hóa người châu Phi và con cháu của họ vẫn tiếp diễn cho đến tận nửa sau thế kỷ 19.

the act of making somebody/something completely depend on something so that they cannot manage without it

hành động khiến ai đó/cái gì đó hoàn toàn phụ thuộc vào thứ gì đó để họ không thể xoay xở nếu không có nó

  • the enslavement of man by technology

    sự nô dịch của con người bởi công nghệ