Definition of emit


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The word "emit" is derived from the Latin word "emittere," which means "to send out" or "to throw out." In classical Latin, the word "emittere" was used to describe the act of sending out or throwing out something, such as an object or a sound. In classical Latin, the word "emittere" was formed from the Latin prefix "e" meaning "out" or "from" and the Latin verb "mittere" meaning "to send" or "to throw." The Latin verb "mittere" was used to describe the act of sending or throwing something, such as a message or a gift. In the English language, the word "emit" first appeared in the late 14th century, where it was used to describe the act of sending out or throwing out something, such as a sound or a signal. The word has since been used in various contexts, including physics and electronics, to describe the act of sending out or transmitting something, such as a beam of radiation or an electronic signal. In physics and electronics, the word "emit" is used to describe the act of sending out or transmitting something, such as a beam of radiation or an electronic signal. For example, a radioactive substance is said to "emit" radiation, while an electronic device is said to "emit" an electronic signal. In summary, the word "emit" is derived from the Latin word "emittere," which means "to send out" or "to throw out." The word has since been used in various contexts, including physics and electronics, to describe the act of sending out or transmitting something, such as a beam of radiation or an electronic signal.

  • The factory emits a pungent odor from its chimneys due to the release of toxic chemicals during the production process.

    Nhà máy thải ra mùi hôi thối từ ống khói do thải ra các hóa chất độc hại trong quá trình sản xuất.

  • The volcano emitted a loud rumble as magma began to flow.

    Ngọn núi lửa phát ra tiếng ầm ầm lớn khi dung nham bắt đầu chảy.

  • The radioactive material emitted intense beams of radiation, making the area uninhabitable.

    Vật liệu phóng xạ phát ra các chùm bức xạ mạnh, khiến khu vực này không thể sinh sống được.

  • The light bulb emits a soft glow that illuminates the room.

    Bóng đèn phát ra ánh sáng dịu nhẹ giúp chiếu sáng cả căn phòng.

  • The speaker emitted a high-pitched screeching sound that was deafening.

    Chiếc loa phát ra âm thanh chói tai đến mức điếc tai.

  • The fireworks emitted a dazzling display of colors and sparks in the sky.

    Pháo hoa tỏa ra màn trình diễn rực rỡ sắc màu và tia lửa trên bầu trời.

  • The radio emitted a garbled signal that could not be understood.

    Chiếc radio phát ra tín hiệu nhiễu không thể hiểu được.

  • The car emitted a cloud of black smoke as the driver accelerated.

    Chiếc xe thải ra một đám khói đen khi tài xế tăng tốc.

  • The flashlight emitted a dim beam that barely illuminated the path ahead.

    Chiếc đèn pin phát ra một chùm sáng yếu ớt, hầu như không chiếu sáng được con đường phía trước.

  • The wind turbine emitted a low hum as it generated electricity from the wind.

    Tuabin gió phát ra tiếng ồn nhỏ khi tạo ra điện từ gió.

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