Definition of elbow


khuỷu tay


Definition of undefined

The word "elbow" has an interesting etymology! The term originates from Old English as "ūþarm," which referred to the joint between the arm and forearm. This Old English word is derived from the Proto-Germanic "*ūthiz," meaning "to bend" or "to curve." Over time, the spelling evolved to become "elbow" in Middle English (circa 1300), and its meaning expanded to specifically refer to the joint itself rather than just the area around it. In modern English, "elbow" is the standard term for this flexible joint that connects the upper arm bone (humerus) to the forearm (radius and ulna). So, the next time you bend your elbow to take a sip from your favorite beverage, remember that the word itself has been bending and curving through linguistic history for centuries!


the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle

khớp giữa phần trên và phần dưới của cánh tay nơi nó uốn cong ở giữa

  • She jabbed him with her elbow.

    Cô thúc cùi chỏ vào anh.

  • He rested his elbows on his knees.

    Anh tựa khuỷu tay lên đầu gối.

  • She grazed her elbow in the fall.

    Cô ấy sượt qua khuỷu tay của mình vào mùa thu.

  • He's fractured his elbow.

    Anh ấy bị gãy khuỷu tay.

Extra examples:
  • A voice at my elbow said, ‘Would Sir care to be seated?’

    Một giọng nói ở khuỷu tay tôi nói: “Thưa ngài, có muốn ngồi không?”

  • Extend your arms without locking your elbows.

    Mở rộng cánh tay của bạn mà không khóa khuỷu tay của bạn.

  • He caught her elbow to steady her.

    Anh nắm lấy khuỷu tay cô để giữ cô đứng vững.

  • He raised himself on one elbow and looked at the bedside clock.

    Anh chống một khuỷu tay lên và nhìn đồng hồ đầu giường.

  • He rested one elbow on the wall as he spoke.

    Anh tựa một khuỷu tay vào tường khi nói.

  • He took his guest by the elbow and steered him in the direction of the bar.

    Anh ta nắm lấy khuỷu tay vị khách và dẫn anh ta về phía quán bar.

  • He was up to his elbows in hot water, doing the washing-up.

    Anh đang ngâm mình trong nước nóng đến khuỷu tay để giặt giũ.

  • I banged my elbow on the table as I got up.

    Tôi đập khuỷu tay xuống bàn khi đứng dậy.

  • She dug her elbow into Jim's ribs to remind him not to give the secret away.

    Cô thúc cùi chỏ vào mạng sườn Jim để nhắc anh đừng tiết lộ bí mật.

  • She opened her eyes and propped herself up on one elbow to look at him.

    Cô mở mắt và chống người lên bằng một khuỷu tay để nhìn anh.

  • She slid a hand under his elbow to guide him into the shop.

    Cô luồn tay dưới khuỷu tay anh để dẫn anh vào cửa hàng.

  • She thrust her elbow into her attacker's face.

    Cô thọc khuỷu tay vào mặt kẻ tấn công.

  • She was cradling a small bundle in the crook of her elbow.

    Cô ấy đang ôm một bọc nhỏ trong khuỷu tay.

  • The whole of his arm below the elbow was badly burned.

    Toàn bộ cánh tay phía dưới khuỷu tay của anh bị bỏng nặng.

the part of a piece of clothing that covers the elbow

phần quần áo che khuỷu tay

  • The jacket was worn at the elbows.

    Chiếc áo khoác đã mòn đến khuỷu tay.

a part of a pipe, chimney, etc. where it bends at a sharp angle

một phần của đường ống, ống khói, v.v... nơi nó uốn cong thành một góc nhọn


get the elbow
(British English, informal)to be told by somebody that they no longer want to have a relationship with you; to be told to go away
give somebody the elbow
(British English, informal)to tell somebody that you no longer want to have a relationship with them; to tell somebody to go away
more power to somebody’s elbow
(British English, old-fashioned, informal)used to encourage somebody or express support for their actions
not know your arse from your elbow
(British English, offensive, slang)to be very stupid; to have absolutely no skill
rub elbows with somebody
to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your job
  • He’s rubbing elbows with stars all the time.
  • He had been rubbing elbows with celebrities.