Definition of dust


bụi rác rác (bụi, phấn), quét bụi, phủi bụi


Definition of undefined

The word "dust" has a fascinating etymology. The earliest recorded use of the word "dust" dates back to around 1300 AD, derived from the Old English word "dust", which is related to the Proto-Germanic word "*dusiz" and the Proto-Indo-European root "*du-". This root is also seen in modern English words such as "dry" and "dune". In Old English, "dust" referred to the smallest particles of dry soil or powder. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include any small, powdery particles, such as those found in air or on surfaces. The word has since been used in various contexts, including meteorology (as in "dust storm"), medicine (as in "dust mites"), and everyday life (as in "dusting" surfaces). Despite its humble beginnings, the word "dust" has become an integral part of our linguistic landscape.


a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of sand, earth, etc.

một loại bột mịn bao gồm những mảnh cát, đất rất nhỏ, v.v.

  • A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off.

    Một đám mây bụi bốc lên khi chiếc xe tải lao đi.

  • Fine particles of dust will get everywhere.

    Các hạt bụi mịn sẽ bay khắp nơi.

  • The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.

    Công nhân đeo khẩu trang để tránh hít phải bụi.

Extra examples:
  • Dust swirled around them like a misty cloud.

    Bụi bay mù mịt xung quanh họ như một đám mây mù.

  • He brushed the dust off his clothes.

    Anh phủi bụi trên quần áo.

  • He started coughing as dust filled his lungs.

    Anh bắt đầu ho khi bụi tràn vào phổi.

  • Remove any particles of dust on the surface of the paint.

    Loại bỏ các hạt bụi bám trên bề mặt sơn.

  • She shook the dust from her hair.

    Cô rũ bụi khỏi tóc.

  • The dust cleared and Hari could see a tiger.

    Bụi tan đi và Hari nhìn thấy một con hổ.

  • The wind was blowing dust through the streets of the city.

    Gió thổi bụi bay khắp các con phố trong thành phố.

  • microscopic specks of dust

    những hạt bụi siêu nhỏ

  • They rolled in the dust, fighting.

    Họ lăn lộn trong bụi và đánh nhau.

Related words and phrases

the fine powder of dirt that forms in buildings, on furniture, floors, etc.

bột bụi mịn hình thành trong các tòa nhà, trên đồ nội thất, sàn nhà, v.v.

  • The books were all covered with dust.

    Những cuốn sách đều phủ đầy bụi.

  • There was a thick layer of dust on the table.

    Trên bàn có một lớp bụi dày.

  • There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere in the room.

    Trong phòng không có một hạt bụi nào cả.

  • She is allergic to house dust.

    Cô ấy bị dị ứng với bụi nhà.

  • That guitar's been sitting gathering dust (= not being used) for years now.

    Cây đàn guitar đó đang bám đầy bụi (= không được sử dụng) trong nhiều năm nay.

Related words and phrases

a fine powder that consists of very small pieces of a particular substance

một loại bột mịn bao gồm những mảnh rất nhỏ của một chất cụ thể

  • coal dust

    bụi than

Related words and phrases


bite the dust
to fail, or to be defeated or destroyed
  • Thousands of small businesses bite the dust every year.
  • (humorous)to die
    collect/gather dust
    to not be used for a long time
  • Play your guitar that's gathering dust, or pull out the old tennis racket for a match.
  • You may already have an old laptop that is collecting dust but otherwise usable.
  • leave somebody in the dust
    (North American English)to leave somebody far behind
    let the dust settle | wait for the dust to settle
    to wait for a situation to become clear or certain
  • He waited for the dust to settle after the election before making any new decisions.