Definition of duct


ống dẫn


The word "duct" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "ductus" means "conducted" or "led," and it is derived from the verb "duco," which means "to lead" or "to bring." In the 14th century, the Latin word "ductus" was borrowed into Middle English as "duct," initially referring to a way or direction of movement. In the 17th century, the meaning of "duct" expanded to include a tube or passageway through which something flows, such as an air duct in a building or a duct in a heat pump. Today, the word "duct" is widely used in various fields, including engineering, architecture, and medicine, to refer to a variety of pipes, channels, or passageways that convey fluids, gases, or other substances. Overall, the word "duct" has evolved from its Latin origins to encompass a range of meanings related to movement, direction, and flow.


a pipe or tube carrying liquid, gas, electric or phone wires, etc.

một đường ống hoặc ống dẫn chất lỏng, khí đốt, dây điện hoặc điện thoại, v.v.

  • a heating/ventilation duct

    một ống sưởi ấm/thông gió

  • Air flows through the ventilation ducts.

    Không khí chảy qua các ống thông gió.

  • They managed to get out of the building by crawling through a ventilation duct.

    Họ tìm cách thoát ra khỏi tòa nhà bằng cách bò qua ống thông gió.

a tube in the body or in plants through which liquid passes

một ống trong cơ thể hoặc trong thực vật mà chất lỏng đi qua

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