Definition of double


đôi, hai, kép, cái gấp đôi, lượng gấp đôi, làm gấp đôi


Definition of undefined

The word "double" has a long and varied history. It originated from the Old English word "dūbl", which meant "twofold" or "two times greater". This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*dubiz", which is also the source of the Modern German word "doppelt", meaning "double". In Middle English (circa 1100-1500), the word "double" continued to evolve, and its meaning expanded to include concepts such as duplication, duplication, and multiplication. The word's semantic range also broadened to encompass notions of magnitude, frequency, and intensity. Throughout its development, the word "double" has maintained its core meaning of "twofold" or "two times greater", while also acquiring various connotations and nuances depending on the context in which it is used. Today, the word is a fundamental part of the English language, used in a wide range of contexts, from mathematics and science to sports and everyday life.

twice as much/many

twice as much or as many as usual

gấp đôi hoặc nhiều hơn bình thường

  • a double helping

    sự giúp đỡ gấp đôi

  • a double espresso

    một tách espresso đôi

  • two double whiskies

    hai ly whisky đôi

  • a double lesson of English

    một bài học tiếng Anh kép

with two parts

having or made of two things or parts that are equal or similar

có hoặc được làm từ hai thứ hoặc hai phần bằng nhau hoặc tương tự nhau

  • double doors

    Cửa đôi

  • a double-page advertisement

    một quảng cáo hai trang

  • ‘Otter’ is spelt with a double t.

    'Rái cá' được đánh vần bằng chữ t kép.

  • My extension is two four double 0 (2400).

    Số máy nhánh của tôi là hai bốn đôi 0 (2400).

  • a high-profile double murder case

    một vụ án giết người kép nổi tiếng

  • Olympic double gold medallist Mo Farah

    Huy chương vàng đôi Olympic Mo Farah

for two people

made for two people or things

dành cho hai người hoặc đồ vật

  • a double bed/room

    một giường đôi/phòng

  • a double garage

    một nhà để xe đôi

Related words and phrases

combining two things

combining two things or qualities

kết hợp hai điều hoặc phẩm chất

  • a double meaning/purpose/aim

    một ý nghĩa/mục đích/mục đích kép

  • It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap.

    Nó có lợi thế gấp đôi là vừa dễ dàng vừa rẻ.


do/pull/serve double duty (as something)
to perform two roles or functions at the same time
  • This device can pull double duty as a decent laptop and an adequate tablet.
  • She deserves credit for serving double duty as a host and performer.