Definition of bewitch




The word "bewitch" has its roots in Old English and Middle English. It comes from the verb "wiccian," which means "to charm or enchant" and is related to the word "witch." In Old English, the word "wicca" referred to a type of magic or sorcery, and the verb "wiccian" was used to describe the act of performing this magic. In Middle English, the word "bewitch" emerged as a combination of "be-" (meaning "to be") and "wicchen" (meaning "to charm"). The word initially had a more neutral connotation, simply meaning "to charm or enthrall." Over time, however, the term began to take on a more negative connotation, implying a sense of dark magic or evil enchantment. Today, the word "bewitch" is often used in a more figurative sense to describe someone or something that has captivated or enchanted us.


to attract or impress somebody so much that they cannot think in a sensible way

thu hút hoặc gây ấn tượng với ai đó nhiều đến mức họ không thể suy nghĩ một cách hợp lý

  • He was completely bewitched by her beauty.

    Anh hoàn toàn bị mê hoặc bởi vẻ đẹp của cô.

to put a magic spell on somebody

đặt một câu thần chú lên ai đó

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