Definition of dispatch


gửi đi


The word "dispatch" comes from the Old French word "despache" which in turn comes from the Latin words "dis" meaning "apart" or "separate" and "pacem" meaning "peace" or "calmness." In ancient Latin, the word "dispacem" was used to describe the process of separating or calming something, particularly in the context of military or administrative matters. In Middle English, the word "dispatch" was used to describe the process of separating or calming something, particularly in the context of military or administrative matters. The word "dispatch" was derived from the Old French word "despache" and ultimately from the Latin words "dis" and "pacem." Over time, the meaning of "dispatch" evolved to include any action or process of sending or delivering something quickly and efficiently, particularly in the context of military, administrative, or logistical matters. It came to describe any action or process of sending or delivering something quickly and efficiently in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of military, administrative, or logistical matters. Today, "dispatch" is still used to describe any action or process of sending or delivering something quickly and efficiently, particularly in the context of military, administrative, or logistical matters. In summary, the word "dispatch" originated in ancient Latin from the words "dis" and "pacem," which mean "apart" or "separate" and "peace" or "calmness," respectively. Its original meaning described the process of separating or calming something, particularly in the context of military or administrative matters, but its meaning evolved to include any action or process of sending or delivering something quickly and efficiently, particularly in the context of military, administrative, or logistical matters.


to send somebody/something somewhere, especially for a special purpose

gửi ai/cái gì đi đâu đó, đặc biệt là cho một mục đích đặc biệt

  • Troops have been dispatched to the area.

    Quân đội đã được điều động đến khu vực.

  • A courier was dispatched to collect the documents.

    Một người đưa thư đã được phái đến để thu thập tài liệu.

to send a letter, package or message somewhere

gửi một lá thư, gói hàng hoặc tin nhắn ở đâu đó

  • Goods are dispatched within 24 hours of your order reaching us.

    Hàng hóa sẽ được gửi đi trong vòng 24 giờ kể từ khi đơn hàng của bạn đến với chúng tôi.

  • Weir dispatched 50 messages back to base.

    Weir đã gửi 50 tin nhắn về căn cứ.

to deal or finish with somebody/something quickly and completely

giải quyết hoặc kết thúc với ai/cái gì một cách nhanh chóng và trọn vẹn

  • He dispatched the younger player in straight sets.

    Anh ấy đã loại cầu thủ trẻ hơn trong các set đấu liên tiếp.

to kill a person or an animal

giết một người hoặc một con vật