Definition of dismantle


tháo dỡ


The word "dismantle" originated in the 15th century from the Old French "desmonter", which means "to take down" or "to remove". This Old French phrase was derived from the Latin "desmonstrare", which means "to show apart" or "to expose apart". In the early 15th century, the word "dismantle" was originally used to describe the act of taking apart or destroying a siege engine, such as a castle wall or a fortification. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the removal or disassembly of other types of structure, such as buildings or machinery. Today, the word "dismantle" can also be used metaphorically to describe the process of breaking down or destroying an idea, emotion, or relationship.


to take apart a machine or structure so that it is in separate pieces

tháo rời một máy móc hoặc cấu trúc để nó thành những phần riêng biệt

  • I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.

    Tôi đã phải tháo động cơ ra để sửa nó.

  • The steel mill was dismantled piece by piece.

    Nhà máy thép bị tháo dỡ từng mảnh.

to end an organization or a system gradually in an organized way

để kết thúc một tổ chức hoặc một hệ thống dần dần một cách có tổ chức

  • The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.

    Chính phủ đang trong quá trình tháo dỡ các ngành công nghiệp nhà nước.