Definition of didactically


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The word "didactically" has its roots in the Greek words "didax," meaning "to lead or guide," and "aktikos," meaning "of or pertaining to action." In the 16th century, the term "didactic" was coined to describe writing or teaching that is intentionally instructive or moralizing. The adjective "didactically" was later formed, meaning "in a didactic manner" or "having the nature of a teacher." In a broader sense, "didactically" refers to the way something is presented or explained, often in a clear and structured manner. It can also imply a sense of moral or instructional authority. For example, a historian might write a book on a historical event didactically, aiming to educate readers about the complexities of the past. The term is often used to describe educational materials, lectures, or even everyday conversations that aim to convey information or impart wisdom.


in a way that teaches people something, especially a moral lesson

theo cách dạy cho mọi người điều gì đó, đặc biệt là một bài học đạo đức

by telling people things rather than letting them find out for themselves

bằng cách nói với mọi người những điều thay vì để họ tự tìm hiểu