Definition of detoxification


giải độc


The term "detoxification" originated from the medical field in the late 19th century. The concept of detoxification, or removing harmful substances from the body, dates back to ancient civilizations. The Greek physician Hippocrates (460-370 BCE) described the use of purgatives and emetics to cleanse the body of toxins. In the 19th century, the term "detoxication" was coined, derived from the Latin words "detoxare," meaning to remove or cleanse, and the suffix "-ation," indicating an action or process. The term was initially used to describe the removal of toxins from the body through medical treatments, such as bloodletting or intensive treatment with purgatives. Over time, the term evolved to include not only medical treatments but also broader concepts of cleansing and purification, leading to its modern usage.


treatment given to people to help them stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs

phương pháp điều trị dành cho mọi người để giúp họ cai rượu hoặc cai ma túy

  • a detoxification unit

    một đơn vị giải độc

the process of improving the reputation of somebody/something that has been seen as morally bad

quá trình nâng cao danh tiếng của ai đó/điều gì đó bị coi là xấu về mặt đạo đức

  • The policy has been key to the successful detoxification of the party's brand.

    Chính sách này đóng vai trò then chốt trong quá trình thanh lọc thương hiệu của đảng.

the process of removing harmful substances or poisons from something

quá trình loại bỏ các chất độc hại hoặc chất độc ra khỏi một cái gì đó

  • the detoxification of formaldehyde

    quá trình giải độc formaldehyde