Definition of defective


khiếm khuyết


The term "defective" has its roots in the Latin word "defficio," which translates to "to betray" or "to fail." This word made its way into Old French as "desfeccioun" and finally into Middle English as "defecioun" in the 14th century. In its earliest usage, the term was primarily applied to objects or materials that were flawed or had been damaged. However, by the late 18th century, "defective" had taken on a new meaning, specifically in the context of people with disabilities or impairments. The use of "defective" in this sense gained momentum in the mid-19th century when new institutions for housing and caring for people with disabilities, known as "defective asylums," emerged in response to growing concerns about societal obligations towards such individuals. The term continued to be commonly used during the first half of the 20th century, particularly in legislation and policy related to education and employment for people with disabilities, and was often used interchangeably with words like "handicapped" and "crippled." However, in recent decades, there has been a shift away from the term "defective" due to its pejorative connotations and its failure to fully recognize or celebrate the unique strengths and abilities that many people with disabilities possess. As a result, alternative terms like "differently-abled" or "person with a disability" are now more commonly used in place of "defective."


having a fault or faults; not perfect or complete

có lỗi hoặc sai sót; không hoàn hảo hoặc đầy đủ

  • If the goods are defective you should get a full refund.

    Nếu hàng hóa bị lỗi bạn sẽ được hoàn lại tiền đầy đủ.

Extra examples:
  • The car was found to have defective brakes.

    Chiếc xe được phát hiện có hệ thống phanh bị lỗi.

  • If the goods prove defective, the customer has the right to compensation.

    Nếu hàng hóa bị lỗi, khách hàng có quyền được bồi thường.

Related words and phrases

having a physical problem with part of the body or the way that it works

gặp vấn đề về thể chất với một bộ phận của cơ thể hoặc cách thức hoạt động của nó

  • Her hearing was found to be slightly defective.

    Thính giác của cô được phát hiện là hơi khiếm khuyết.

Extra examples:
  • His vision is severely defective.

    Tầm nhìn của anh ấy bị khiếm khuyết nghiêm trọng.

  • She was born with defective hearing.

    Cô sinh ra đã bị khiếm thính.

  • Some defective organs can now be replaced.

    Một số cơ quan bị lỗi bây giờ có thể được thay thế.