Definition of decimation


sự tàn sát


The word "decimation" has a rich history. It originates from the Latin word "decimare," which means "to reduce by a tenth." In ancient Roman times, decimation was a punishment where a tenth of a group or army would be randomly selected and executed for cowardice, mutiny, or other violent crimes. This brutal punishment was meant to restore discipline and morale among the remaining troops. Over time, the term "decimation" evolved to refer to the act of destroying or reducing something by a significant portion, not just a tenth. Today, it is used in many fields, including literature, science, and even sports. For example, a book could be "decimated" by negative reviews, or a team could be "decimated" by injuries. Despite its origins in a violent practice, the word "decimation" now conveys a sense of devastation or catastrophic loss.


the act of killing large numbers of animals, plants or people in a particular area

hành động giết hại số lượng lớn động vật, thực vật hoặc con người ở một khu vực cụ thể

  • the decimation of the indigenous population

    sự tàn sát dân số bản địa

the act of severely damaging something or making something much weaker

hành động gây thiệt hại nghiêm trọng cho một cái gì đó hoặc làm cho một cái gì đó yếu hơn nhiều

  • We need to halt the decimation of our manufacturing base.

    Chúng ta cần phải ngăn chặn sự suy giảm của cơ sở sản xuất.