Definition of decidedly


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"Decidedly" comes from the verb "to decide," which itself is derived from the Latin word "decidere," meaning "to cut off, to settle." The prefix "de-" means "off, down, away," and "cidere" is related to the word "caedere," meaning "to cut, kill." So, "decide" originally meant to "cut off" options or possibilities, leading to a clear decision. "Decidedly" emphasizes the finality and certainty of a decision, like something cut off and left behind.


definitely and in an obvious way

chắc chắn và một cách rõ ràng

  • Amy was looking decidedly worried.

    Amy trông có vẻ hết sức lo lắng.

  • Their relationship is beginning to look decidedly shaky.

    Mối quan hệ của họ đang bắt đầu có vẻ lung lay.

in a way that shows that you are sure and determined about something

theo cách đó cho thấy rằng bạn chắc chắn và quyết tâm về điều gì đó

  • ‘I won't go,’ she said decidedly.

    “Tôi sẽ không đi,” cô nói dứt khoát.