Definition of conspire


âm mưu


The word "conspire" has its roots in Latin. The Latin word "conspirare" means "to breathe together," and it was used to describe the act of conspiring or plotting. The verb is a combination of "con" meaning "together" and "spirare" meaning "to breathe." In Latin, the word "conspirare" was used to describe secret or clandestine agreements or pacts between people. This concept of agreement or pact was carried over into Middle English, where the word "conspire" emerged in the 14th century. In English, "conspire" originally meant to agree or confer secretly, and it carried a sense of wrongdoing or evil. Over time, the meaning expanded to include the act of plotting or scheming against someone, often in a secretive or deceptive manner. Today, the word "conspire" is commonly used to describe illegal or unethical activities involving secret agreements or plots.


to secretly plan with other people to do something illegal or harmful

bí mật lập kế hoạch với người khác để làm điều gì đó bất hợp pháp hoặc có hại

  • They were accused of conspiring against the king.

    Họ bị buộc tội âm mưu chống lại nhà vua.

  • They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.

    Họ phủ nhận việc cùng nhau âm mưu buôn lậu ma túy.

  • She admitted conspiring with her lover to murder her husband.

    Cô thừa nhận đã cùng người tình âm mưu sát hại chồng.

to seem to work together to make something bad happen

dường như đang hợp tác với nhau để làm điều gì đó tồi tệ xảy ra

  • Circumstances had conspired against them.

    Hoàn cảnh đã âm mưu chống lại họ.

  • Everything conspired to make her life a misery.

    Mọi thứ đều âm mưu khiến cuộc sống của cô trở nên khốn khổ.