Definition of concordance


sự phù hợp


The word "concordance" originates from the Latin word "concordex," which means "agreement" or "harmony." The term was first used in the context of literature in the 16th century by scholars who were working on creating reference tools to help them compare and contrast different passages in the Bible. In the mid-16th century, the monk and scholar Robert Estienne (known as Stephanus) began publishing Bibles that included what he called a "concordantia," which was essentially a list of Hebrew, Greek, and Latin words that appeared in the text, along with their English translations and references to where each word appeared in the Bible. This tool allowed scholars to easily compare the usage of a particular word across the different languages and books of the Bible, making it easier to understand the meaning and significance of that word in its various contexts. This practice eventually led to the creation of full-scale concordances, which are still used today by biblical scholars, linguists, and students to understand the relationships between words and concepts in various texts. In summary, the word "concordance" refers to a reference tool that helps in comparing and contrasting different texts by identifying the exact words and phrases that appear in each text and their relationships with one another. The idea of a concordance grew out of the concept of "concord" or "harmony" in the 16th century and has since become an essential tool for anyone engaged in biblical studies or the study of other texts that require close attention to the meaning and usage of words.


an alphabetical list of the words used in a book, etc. showing where and how often they are used

một danh sách theo thứ tự chữ cái của các từ được sử dụng trong một cuốn sách, v.v. cho biết chúng được sử dụng ở đâu và thường xuyên như thế nào

  • a Bible concordance

    sự phù hợp với Kinh Thánh

a list produced by a computer that shows all the examples of an individual word in a book, etc.

một danh sách do máy tính tạo ra hiển thị tất cả các ví dụ của một từ riêng lẻ trong một cuốn sách, v.v.

the state of being similar to something or consistent with it

trạng thái tương tự với một cái gì đó hoặc phù hợp với nó

  • There is reasonable concordance between the two sets of results.

    Có sự phù hợp hợp lý giữa hai tập hợp kết quả.