Definition of circumstantial


tình huống


The word "circumstantial" originated from the Latin phrase "circumstans," which means "situated around" or "surrounding." The Latin word "stans" means "standing" and the prefix "circum-" means "around" or "about." In the 14th century, the word "circumstantial" entered the English language and initially referred to something that was situated around or surrounding something else. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to include the idea of proof or evidence that is derived from secondary or indirect sources, as opposed to direct evidence.


containing information and details that strongly suggest that something is true but do not prove it

chứa thông tin và chi tiết gợi ý mạnh mẽ rằng điều gì đó là đúng nhưng không chứng minh được điều đó

  • circumstantial evidence

    bằng chứng gián tiếp

  • The case against him was largely circumstantial.

    Vụ án chống lại anh ta phần lớn chỉ là tình tiết.

connected with particular circumstances

gắn liền với hoàn cảnh cụ thể

  • Their problems were circumstantial rather than personal.

    Vấn đề của họ là hoàn cảnh hơn là cá nhân.