Definition of carpeting


thảm trải sàn


The word "carpeting" originates from the word "carpet," which itself has a fascinating history. It derives from the Old French word "carpite," meaning "a rough woolen fabric." This term ultimately traces back to the Latin "carpere," meaning "to pluck or seize." The implication is that carpets were initially made from materials that were "plucked" or "seized" from animals, like wool. Over time, "carpite" evolved into "carpet," and the term came to encompass a wider range of floor coverings, including those made from other materials. "Carpeting" simply describes the act of covering a floor with a carpet.


carpets in general or the material used for carpets

thảm nói chung hoặc chất liệu dùng làm thảm

  • new offices with wall-to-wall carpeting

    văn phòng mới trải thảm trải kín tường

  • We need new carpeting (= a new carpet) in the living room.

    Chúng ta cần thảm mới (= một tấm thảm mới) trong phòng khách.

an act of speaking angrily to somebody because they have done something wrong

hành động nói chuyện một cách giận dữ với ai đó vì họ đã làm sai điều gì đó

  • The boss gave him a severe carpeting.

    Ông chủ đã cho anh ta một tấm thảm nghiêm trọng.