Definition of carillon




The word "carillon" is derived from the French phrase "carillon de cloches," which literally means "peal of bells." It is a term used to describe a set of bells mounted in a tower or campanile, typically played by a skilled musician known as a carillonneur. The word "carillon" has been in use since the 16th century, and it's believed to have originated from the Old French word "carillon," which means "a ringing together." Over time, the term came to be specifically associated with the musical arrangement of bells, often played in a harmonious or melodious manner. Today, carillons can be found in many churches, town halls, and other public buildings around the world, and are cherished for their unique and beautiful sounds.


a set of bells on which tunes can be played, sometimes using a keyboard

một bộ chuông có thể chơi các giai điệu, đôi khi sử dụng bàn phím

a tune played on bells

một giai điệu được chơi trên chuông