Definition of cake


bánh ngọt


Definition of undefined

The word "cake" has a rich history! The oldest known reference to cake dates back to ancient Egypt around 2000 BCE. The word "kaka" or "khek" referred to a type of flatbread or cookie made from barley flour. The Egyptians considered cakes a symbol of fertility and used them in their rituals and ceremonies. The Latin word "gatis" also referred to a sweet bread or cake. The Romans adopted the word and used it to describe a type of cheesecake. Over time, the spelling and meaning of the word "cake" evolved. The modern English word "cake" emerged in the 14th century, derived from the Old Norse word "kaka". Today, cake is enjoyed worldwide in countless flavors and forms, from sweet treats to savory delights!


a sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, etc. that is baked in an oven. Cakes are made in various shapes and sizes and are often decorated, for example with cream or icing.

một món ăn ngọt được làm từ hỗn hợp bột mì, trứng, bơ, đường, v.v. được nướng trong lò. Bánh được làm với nhiều hình dạng và kích cỡ khác nhau và thường được trang trí, chẳng hạn như bằng kem hoặc kem.

  • a piece/slice of cake

    một miếng/miếng bánh

  • to make/bake a cake

    làm/nướng bánh

  • a chocolate cake

    một chiếc bánh sô cô la

  • a birthday cake

    Một cái bánh sinh nhật

  • a cake tin (= for cooking a cake in)

    một hộp bánh (= để nấu bánh)

  • a cake pan

    một cái chảo bánh

  • a plate of cream cakes

    một đĩa bánh kem

  • There's carrot cake for dessert.

    Có bánh cà rốt cho món tráng miệng.

  • a box of cake mix

    một hộp bánh trộn

Extra examples:
  • Everyone cheered as the bride and groom cut the wedding cake.

    Mọi người reo hò khi cô dâu chú rể cắt bánh cưới.

  • He cut her a slice of cake.

    Anh cắt cho cô một miếng bánh.

  • I blew out the candles on my birthday cake.

    Tôi thổi tắt nến trên bánh sinh nhật của mình.

  • Pour the cake mixture into a greased and lined tin.

    Đổ hỗn hợp bánh vào khuôn đã phết dầu và lót sẵn.

  • She brushed some cake crumbs off her lap.

    Cô phủi vài mẩu bánh vụn trên đùi.

  • Spread the cake with the butter cream.

    Phết kem bơ lên ​​bánh.

a food mixture that is cooked in a round, flat shape

hỗn hợp thức ăn được nấu thành hình tròn, dẹt

  • potato cakes

    bánh khoai tây

Related words and phrases


go/sell like hot cakes
to be bought quickly or in great numbers
have your cake and eat it
to have the advantages of something without its disadvantages; to have both things that are available
the icing on the cake
something extra and not essential that is added to an already good situation or experience and that makes it even better
  • It’s an added bonus—the icing on the cake.
  • a piece of cake
    (informal)a thing that is very easy to do
    a slice/share of the cake
    a share of the available money or benefits that you believe you have a right to
  • Scotland is demanding a larger slice of the national cake.
  • take the cake
    (informal)to be the most surprising, annoying, etc. thing that has happened or that somebody has done