Definition of buckle




The word "buckle" has its roots in Old English and can be traced back to the Anglo-Saxon period. At that time, it was spelled as "bucgel," and its original meaning was "point" or "projecting part" in reference to a ship's prow or the tip of a spear. Slowly, the meaning of "bucgel" evolved in the Middle English period, around the 13th century, to refer specifically to a type of fastener used to secure clothing or belts. This new sense of the word likely arose due to the similarity in shape between the original meaning of a sharpened point and the rounded prong of a buckle. The exact source of the word's transformation is not entirely clear, as there are no clear examples of this usage in early texts. However, it may have resulted from the French word "boulclier," which meant "round shield" and was a common element in the names of types of armor clasps during the medieval period. Regardless of its origin, the modern usage of the word "buckle" to refer to a closure device is well-established in both English and many other Germanic and Romance languages. Today, we use buckles to secure everything from clothing and bags to electrical wiring and machinery, illustrating the versatility and durability of this ancient word.


to fasten something or be fastened with a buckle

buộc chặt cái gì đó hoặc được buộc chặt bằng một chiếc khóa

  • She buckled her belt.

    Cô thắt dây lưng.

  • He buckled on his sword.

    Anh ta thắt chặt thanh kiếm của mình.

  • These shoes buckle at the side.

    Những đôi giày này có khóa ở bên cạnh.

to become bent, damaged or broken under a weight or force; to bend, damage or break something in this way

bị cong, hư hỏng hoặc gãy dưới sức nặng hoặc lực; uốn cong, làm hỏng hoặc phá vỡ một cái gì đó theo cách này

  • The steel frames began to buckle under the strain.

    Các khung thép bắt đầu oằn xuống dưới sức căng.

  • A weaker man would have buckled under the pressure.

    Một người đàn ông yếu đuối hơn sẽ oằn mình trước áp lực.

  • The crash buckled the front of my car.

    Vụ va chạm khiến phần đầu xe của tôi bị vênh.

when your knees or legs buckle or when you buckle at the knees, your knees become weak and you start to fall

khi đầu gối hoặc chân của bạn khuỵu xuống hoặc khi bạn khuỵu đầu gối, đầu gối của bạn trở nên yếu đi và bạn bắt đầu ngã