Definition of boo

booexclamation, noun

la ó


The word "boo" has its roots in Old English and Dutch. It is believed to have originated from the Middle English word "bōc," which means "OT" or "ghost." This word is also related to the Dutch word "bool," which means "spirit" or "ghost." In the 16th century, "boo" began to be used as an interjection to express surprise or fright, similar to "oh no!" or "holy cow!" It's likely that this usage arose from the connection with the supernatural and the idea of being startled or confronted by a ghost or a spirit. Today, "boo" is widely used in many languages to express playful fright or surprise, often in a non-threatening or humorous way, such as when someone jumps out to scare a friend or when something unexpected happens.


a sound that people make to show that they do not like an actor, speaker, etc.

một âm thanh mà mọi người tạo ra để thể hiện rằng họ không thích một diễn viên, diễn giả, v.v.

  • ‘Boo!’ they shouted, ‘Get off!’

    ‘Boo!’ họ hét lên, ‘Cút đi!’

  • The speech was greeted with loud boos from the audience.

    Bài phát biểu đã được chào đón bằng những tiếng la ó lớn từ khán giả.

  • boos and hisses from the crowd

    tiếng la ó và tiếng rít từ đám đông

people shout Boo!when they want to surprise or frighten somebody

mọi người hét lên Boo! khi họ muốn làm ai đó ngạc nhiên hoặc sợ hãi


not say boo to a goose
to be very shy or gentle
  • He's so nervous he wouldn't say boo to a goose.