Definition of boldly


mạnh dạn


"Boldly" stems from the Old English word "bold," meaning "brave" or "courageous." This word itself has Germanic roots, connecting to the Proto-Germanic word "baldaz," meaning "strong" or "powerful." Over time, "bold" evolved to encompass not only physical strength but also mental fortitude and daring. Adding the "-ly" suffix to "bold" creates the adverb "boldly," signifying action taken with courage and confidence.


in a brave, confident way; without being afraid to say what you feel or to take risks

một cách dũng cảm, tự tin; mà không ngại nói ra những gì bạn cảm thấy hoặc chấp nhận rủi ro

  • He stepped boldly forward to speak.

    Anh mạnh dạn bước tới nói.

the quality of being easy to see or of having a strong clear appearance

chất lượng dễ nhìn thấy hoặc có vẻ ngoài rõ ràng mạnh mẽ

  • boldly patterned/coloured

    có hoa văn/màu sắc táo bạo