Definition of bendy


uốn cong


The word "bendy" has its origins in the mid-20th century. Initially, it referred to products made of bendable materials, such as plastic or metal, that could be curved or shaped to fit into small spaces. For example, bendy straws and bendy spoons were popular kitchen gadgets. In the 1990s, the term "bendy" gained a new meaning with the introduction of the "Bendy Bus" in London. The bus was designed with an articulated body that allowed it to bend around tight corners, making it ideal for navigating narrow streets. From there, the term "bendy" became synonymous with anything that could be flexed or curved, including electronics, machinery, and even personality traits. Today, "bendy" is often used to describe someone who is adaptable and flexible, with the ability to shape-shift and adjust to new situations.


that can be bent easily

có thể uốn cong dễ dàng

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with many bends

với nhiều khúc quanh

  • a bendy road

    một con đường quanh co

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