Definition of bean




Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "bean" is fascinating! The term "bean" has its roots in Old English and Dutch, with the earliest recorded use dating back to the 9th century. The Proto-Germanic word "*bainiz" was the ancestor of both the English and Dutch words "bean". This word is believed to have been derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*bhes-" meaning "to grow" or "to swell". In Middle English (circa 11th-15th centuries), the word "bean" referred to a wide range of legumes, including kidney beans, black beans, and broad beans. Over time, the term "bean" became more closely associated with the edible legume we know today, particularly after the introduction of the New World bean species from the Americas during the Columbian Exchange. Today, the word "bean" is used in many languages to refer to this type of plant-based food.


a seed, or pod containing seeds, of a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable. There are several types of bean and the plants that they grow on are also called beans.

một hạt hoặc vỏ chứa hạt của cây leo, được ăn như một loại rau. Có một số loại đậu và cây trồng trên đó còn được gọi là đậu.

  • green beans

    đậu xanh

  • runner beans

    quả đậu tây

  • beans (= baked beans) on toast

    đậu (= đậu nướng) trên bánh mì nướng

  • a can/tin of beans

    một lon/hộp đậu

  • She grows her own broad beans.

    Cô ấy tự trồng đậu rộng.

Related words and phrases

a seed from a coffee plant, or some other plants

hạt từ cây cà phê hoặc một số cây khác

  • cocoa/coffee beans

    hạt cacao/cà phê

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