Definition of bated


bị đánh


The word "bated" has its roots in Old English and comes from the verb "beohtan," which means to hold back, restrain, or conceal. The Old English word evolved through Middle English to become "baten" or "beten," which meant to hold one's breath or remain silent. The origin of the modern English spelling of "bated" is a bit complex. In early Middle English, the word was spelled "baten" or "beten," and it was pronounced bāt�ən or bet�ən. Later, as Middle English evolved into early Modern English, the word begun to be spelled "baited" due to the influence of the verb "bait" meaning to provoke or tempt, which came from the same Old English root as "beohtan." However, the spelling of "bated" started to reemerge in the late 16th century, possibly due to the influence of Latin words like "tardus" meaning slow, which also evolved from a root similar to "beohtan." The spelling "bated" became popular because it more closely reflected the pronunciation of the Middle English word, and it has remained the preferred spelling ever since. Today, the primary meaning of "bated" is to suppress or restrain an emotion, habit, or action. For example, "his heart was bated as he waited for the results of the test" indicates that the person's excitement or nervousness was held in check. The word is also sometimes used figuratively to suggest a moment of tense silence before an important event, such as a starting gun at a race. In conclusion, the origin of the word "bated" can be traced back to Old English, where it meant to hold back, conceal, or remain silent by holding one's breath. Its modern meaning, however, reflects a more complex linguistic history involving both the evolution of Middle English and the influence of other related words from Old English.

  • The audience in the theater was bated, holding their breath as the suspenseful scene played out on stage.

    Khán giả trong rạp đều nín thở, chăm chú theo dõi cảnh quay hồi hộp diễn ra trên sân khấu.

  • The juror's eyes were bated as the defendants entered the courtroom, waiting for the trial to begin.

    Ánh mắt của bồi thẩm đoàn chăm chú theo dõi các bị cáo bước vào phòng xử án, chờ đợi phiên tòa bắt đầu.

  • The presidential candidate's supporters were bated as they eagerly awaited the results of the election.

    Những người ủng hộ ứng cử viên tổng thống đang rất hồi hộp chờ đợi kết quả bầu cử.

  • The reader's heart raced as the author skillfully held the narrative bated with a cliffhanger ending to the chapter.

    Trái tim người đọc đập rộn ràng khi tác giả khéo léo giữ mạch truyện chậm lại với cái kết bất ngờ cho chương truyện.

  • The child peered out from behind the couch, bated as a thrilling thunderstorm raged outside.

    Đứa trẻ nhìn ra từ phía sau ghế sofa, sợ hãi khi cơn giông bão dữ dội đang hoành hành bên ngoài.

  • The grandfather clock's pendulum swung slowly and majestically, bating the sound of its chiming hour.

    Quả lắc của chiếc đồng hồ quả lắc lắc chậm rãi và uy nghiêm, phát ra âm thanh báo giờ.

  • The cowboy's hand hovered over his holster, bated as he confronted the outlaws in the town square.

    Bàn tay của chàng cao bồi lơ lửng trên bao súng, cúi xuống khi anh đối mặt với bọn ngoài vòng pháp luật ở quảng trường thị trấn.

  • The fuse burned down rapidly, bating the explosion of the firecracker on the Fourth of July.

    Dây cháy nhanh, ngăn chặn vụ nổ của pháo vào ngày 4 tháng 7.

  • The applause at the end of the concert was deafening as the pianist held the final note bated for what seemed like an eternity.

    Tiếng vỗ tay vang dội vào cuối buổi hòa nhạc khi nghệ sĩ piano giữ nốt nhạc cuối cùng trong một khoảng thời gian tưởng như vô tận.

  • The chef waited anxiously for the judge's critique, bating the announcement of the winner of the national cooking competition.

    Đầu bếp hồi hộp chờ đợi lời nhận xét của giám khảo, công bố người chiến thắng trong cuộc thi nấu ăn toàn quốc.


with bated breath
(formal)feeling very anxious or excited
  • We waited with bated breath for the winner to be announced.
  • We waited for the decision with bated breath.